Like the light of a candle flickering on the verge of extinction, life's fragility can be overwhelming. You question whether you are doing enough, whether you matter, if there was ever a time you were truly happy.

Photo by Thilipen Rave Kumar:
Often times we are swallowed by the hustle and get lost in the bustle. Money becomes time's currency. Depression shadow's any effort made because nothing is ever enough. One minute your mind is flooded with tomorrow and the next, the past is flashing like a kaleidoscope as you draw your last breath.
So do whatever makes you happy. Burn all the bridges that have been hanging by a thread, or cross them if whatever lay ahead was too intimidating. Make time for whatever makes your heart palpitate like the tum tum drums of West Africa (if you know you know).
Don't be afraid of taking the first step. Don't be afraid of living. Because in the end, peace is knowing that whatever you did was the best you could have ever done.