So it is said that true freedom is found in complete surrender. From a spiritual context, it would mean submitting all that you are and all that you have into the hands of a higher power.
Imagine what it would feel like to realize so much love that is overwhelmingly humbling, to be so at peace you can feel the earth's heartbeat, and to have such complete trust that you'd unabashedly surrender your life to another.

Photo by cottonbro:
So why don't we do it? Why is it that when God is mentioned we have a reflex and try to shrink away? What's holding us back? Maybe deep down we feel unworthy, undeserving. Maybe it's because we have been so broken until hope shattered into fragments that seem unpatchable. Or maybe our pride cannot allow us to acknowledge that we are in need.
We try to find an explanation, a reason why, without realizing God transcends human understanding. How about next time, when we are feeling overwhelmed, incomplete, empty or dissatisfied, we have a taste and see?