Self reliance may seem ideal when you look at it from one angle. But from another point of view, human beings are social creatures. No matter how introverted you feel, everyone wants someone to give them a second glance, to see them, to genuinely welcome them into the circle and to help out of the goodness of their heart.

Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels
Socialism is being overtaken by individualism and that is when a society starts to crumble. I have this tendency to try and fix things on my own until I can't anymore and at this point I'm usually writhing in pain or bleeding out, haha. Imagine the time and effort that would be saved by asking for help? It would literally boil down to an increase in life expectancy.
Some alone time can boost your dopamine levels but being around other people brings out the best in us, even in form of lessons learnt. Remember this the next time someone asks you out and you would rather sink in your duvet or when you're forced to mingle in a crowd and you'd rather be listening to music on your headphones. There might be peace in the comfort zone, but nothing ever grew in it.