It's that time of the year again. And of course, a post was in order. If you still haven't caught on, today is International Women in Engineering Day. I will tout our own horn and say yes, this special dedication is well deserved and appreciated.
According to statistics, as of June 2021, only 16.5% of all engineers in the world are women. Figures, because I have been traversing six counties for about a year now as an engineer and have only met three other female engineers.

This year's INWED theme is about imagining the future, and all I hope is that the future of engineering will have respect for women engineers. Respect their rights, respect their opinions and respect their boundaries.
I hope the future respects the fact that for every action at one end, there should be a similar reaction in each and every part of the chain otherwise, the link would break. So encouraging more women into the engineering profession should walk hand in hand with creating more opportunities for them.
To all women engineers current and upcoming, I hope we realize our worth, and acknowledge the fact that carbon is only an extra step away from becoming a diamond. So let us be inventors and let us be innovators. Let us go out there and change the world!